International Driving License
International Driving License
Customs transit booklet (Triptic)
Customs transit booklet (Triptic)

Middle East Automobile Tourism and cars

 Gives you quality services at the best prices.

The best and best price in the market and the fastest electronic order
It was founded in 2005 AD. Since then, it has played a pioneering role in the development of motor sports, as the Middle East Automobile and Touring Club is the first club to obtain a license to hold rallies or car and motorcycle races from the General Presidency of Youth Control. It also obtained license No. (1) by Customs transit booklet (triptik) and International Driving License of Interior, represented by the General Traffic Department; The club has a large network of branches and agents inside Saudi Arabia, and its teams are located in several major cities in Saudi Arabia, such as (Riyadh – Jeddah – Al-Khobar – Abha – Tabuk).